
At a Glance

Competition is usually described as a process of rivalry between firms seeking to win customers` bussiness over time. The benefits of competition are lower prices, better products, wide choice and greater efficiency.

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“Omnia mea mecum porto“ regarding all the rest - we refer to the power of the information technologies.

In Detail

Competition is usually described as a process of rivalry between firms seeking to win customers` bussiness over time. The benefits of competition are lower prices, better products, wide choice and greater efficiency. To this end the rules of competition law are intended to protect the process of competition. Failure to observe these rules may result in substantial fines and in some countries – even in prison sentences.

Our competition law specialists have expertise in all areas of European and Bulgarian competition law (cartels, anti-competitive agreements, decisions and concerted practices, abuse of dominant position, mergers, unfair competition) and will advise you on the competition – related implications of your business decisions. We also provide representation before the Bulgarian Commission for Protection of Competition in order to secure the protection of your rights and legitimate interests.

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